The Social Media Magnet Courseware is divided into levels, which can be thought of as units. Each level is composed of two to three chapters that have been grouped together based off of the content within them.
What’s unique about our levels, is that students must demonstrate a comprehension of the courseware before advancing to the next Level. We chose this structure, because it forces students to prove that they truly understand one section of course material, before being able to move on to the next section of course material.
Additionally, in the grading system that we implement to track Student performance in the Live Practicum with our courseware, these level assessments do not impact a student’s actual grade. By losing the fear of their grade being negatively impacted, this allows students to take these assessments as many times as needed, until they actually master the material.
As a Social Media Magnet professor, you receive the answer key to all of these level assessments, so that you can help students if they get stuck, and also make sure that you are driving home the key elements that we have listed for each lesson in your lectures.

In order to preview what a Level Assessment and answer key looks like, sign up for our free professor preview here. Once your preview has been granted, you may access the preview of the Intro Level Assessment with your log-in credentials here.