As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to wage war on our world as everyone tries to gain a sense of new normalcy, one question weighs enormously on college students, professors, and universities alike- what does this mean for the fall 2020 semester? With the spring semester that ended in a digital classroom for all campuses across the nation, universities have begun to ponder if this is how the world of higher education will have to remain until a vaccine is developed. Over the past several months, discussions have been held about what implications could arise from bringing thousands of students together in classrooms and on campuses in the midst of a pandemic, while also considering the serious implications that keeping classrooms digital could also cause.
The solution that many universities have come to is a semester that features no breaks and an end by Thanksgiving, so that as temperatures drop and the number of projected cases rise, students will be at home and the last minute transition that had to occur in the spring will be avoided. But even as announcements like these come pouring out from university after university, there is still a lot of uncertainty. What if the number of cases spikes earlier than expected and the classrooms have to turn digital again at a moment’s notice? Or for the many universities that are giving students the option to return or do fully remote classes, how will professors provide the same level of instruction online as they are in the classroom?
With so much unknown in the world of higher education today, we believe our curriculum can help ease the stress of planning amongst all the uncertainty for those interested in teaching social media marketing. Our course is free to professors, and supplies them with an abundance of resources, from lecture templates to automatic grading software. For students, our price recently dropped to $119 + a lab fee for our live practicum. This supplies students with access to our online textbook, a customized URL, and detailed instructions to help them build a website and campaign step by step.
With all of these resources at your fingertips, our course has been proven to make in-class instruction, online instruction, and even the quick transition from one to the other incredibly simple and stress free without sacrificing the integrity of the course or workload. You can read about one student’s experience in making the transition from in-class to online with Social Media Magnet from last semester here.
If you are interested in providing both you and your students with an incredibly useful class yet also with a class that is easily adaptable in today’s constantly changing circumstances, we encourage you to consider the Social Media Magnet. For a brief overview of what the course entails, you can visit our Professor Overview. For a more detailed look at the resources and curriculum itself, you can request to be put into our Professor Preview mode here. We are happy to assist you and answer any questions you have, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s make this undoubtedly unusual upcoming semester as impactful and full of knowledge for all of our students by teaching them the ever-present importance of organic inbound marketing.